Monday, July 28, 2014


Well...after the loss of Nolan, we immediately began trying to get pregnant again. We were told it wouldn't take long since my body thinks it just had a baby and you are more fertile after giving birth. My periods became erratic when usually I am like clockwork. At first, I would become excited and take a pregnancy test immediately. After a few negative tests and quite a bit of money later, we decided to take it up with our new Dr. She sent us to the High Risk office to discuss our current issues as well as to talk to them about Nolan. **This is when we found out most of our answers from the last post. 

We discussed several options to get us ovulating again. One of them was weight loss, another was Metformin, and then we would consider fertility medicines. Metformin could potentially have a lot of personal side effects that don't go well with teaching. So we opted for the weight loss until summer when I could deal with the side effects without a class to watch over.  This was around March after we had just moved into our new house. We tried to be diligent and walk around the subdivision, but I am not the easiest person to motivate when it comes to weight loss. 

Summer comes and I am still not having consistent periods, so I call my Dr. and we set up an appointment to try out the Metformin or possibly go back on birth control to see if that would regulate me. The appointment wasn't for another month out. 

This year we took an early summer vacation to Disney World with Chris' family. We had originally planned to go with Nolan too and thought about cancelling, but decided we needed to go anyways. It would give us a chance to stay busy especially with his birthday coming up. 

Our vacation was the second week of June. My ovulation app on my phone was telling me I was 30 days late (late being 30 days past my "normal" 6 week period). I had told a friend before we left about being late, and she asked me if I was going to take a pregnancy test and I told her I didn't feel like getting my hopes up again and wasting the money on it. 

So, we went on our vacation and we rode numerous roller coasters and had a blast......

Well when we got back from our vacation, I began having some typical pregnancy symptoms and I took a test the night we got back. Sure enough..
We're pregnant!!!!

We were excited and confused all at the same time. We were thinking, "But I thought I wasn't ovulating?". "If this is true, how far along are we?".   We had no clue, I could be 10 weeks, or 4 weeks, we truly had no idea. 

The next day, I called our Dr. and changed the type of appointment we had. 

We went in to the Dr. and confirmed that we were indeed pregnant. 10 weeks 4 days to be exact.  Wow! The first trimester was almost over already.  

One of our first questions was "What about the roller coasters?". She told me that the baby is perfectly healthy, but not to plan any more trips like that any time soon.  Whew!  

Our New Baby

We went straight to Target and bought some little shoes and had the new ultrasound picture printed up to give to the family.  We got together on July 3rd at my mom's house with the whole family.  
I had my wonderful friend and photographer Sharon Monett create a picture of Nolan's feet for a present for Father's day and I had extras printed to give to the family.  We decided to give them this present and then give them a little extra picture too.  Jessica was the first one to catch on that it wasn't Nolan's ultrasound, but that this was a new one.  

Our family was in tears of joy!!  With Jessica's help we took some pregnancy announcement photos with the little pair of shoes we bought and announced it to the world on Facebook. 

We are taking extra precautions with this pregnancy and will keep you up to date with more pictures and information as we get it.  As of today, I am 15 weeks and 3 days pregnant and we are due on January 16, 2015. 

We even got an early 3D shot of out little one!

We are choosing to have another gender party and will announce the gender August 14th. Stay tuned for more!

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